Thanks to Our Doctors—We’re Better

National Doctor’s Day is on March 30 every year. It is important to thank our physicians on this day. But, obviously, their hard work and efforts extend well beyond this one day. Most doctors spend long hours in their offices and at hospitals taking care of patients. Then, they take work home with them or spend time at home doing research so they can continue to provide the best care for patients.
Their efforts not only save lives but also contribute to patients having the best quality of life. This doesn’t happen by accident. The physicians I know are hard working and dedicated to improving their practice and profession. I can’t tell you how many times a doctor has approached me—excited to tell me about some new technology, procedure, standard or research and how these could benefit patients, other doctors and the hospital. Baptist Memorial physicians not only make patients better, they make health care better.
I am thankful to work with such dedicated physicians and to know we are on their team. Because of these doctors, patients can be confident they’re getting the best care in the communities where they live. So today, I say thank you to all physicians, and especially those who work with Baptist Memorial Health Care.
For more information about Baptist Memorial Hospital physicians, visit

President/Chief Executive Officer
Baptist Memorial Health Care