
Healthy Aging Month: 5 Tips to Keep You Feeling Spritely

Sep 26 • 2016

We all get older, but there are some things we can do along the way to make sure that we are happy and healthy as we age. In honor of Healthy Aging Month, we’ve outlined five simple things you can do to stay strong and well – regardless of age.

Annual Checkups

Many people begin to visit the doctor less for routine checkups as they get older, but the truth is that these become even more important with age. This doesn’t just include your primary care doctor – it also means visiting your dentist, optometrist, and any other specialty doctors you may need, too.

Eating Right and Staying Active

This tip is essential for anyone of any age, but it becomes even more important with age. If you’re finding yourself struggling to do certain physical activities, speak with your doctor for the best recommendations for your needs. Make sure that your diet includes the vitamins and nutrients your body needs – skip out on junk food and go for foods that are low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber.

Spend Time with Loved Ones

Carving out time to spend with friends and family can have a big impact on how you age. Good conversation keeps your brain sharp, while dedicating time to loved ones gives your mental health a boost, too. Find activities you and your friends enjoy doing together and plan outings to keep things fresh.

Follow the Doctor’s Orders

Whether your doctor recommends specific lifestyle changes or prescriptions, it’s important to follow those explicitly. Your doctor knows what your body needs and is the expert, so his orders are crucial for your health and wellness. Make sure any specific medications he prescribes are taken as directed.

Prioritize Sleep

As you get older, sleep is still an important factor when it comes to your health. You should be getting at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in order to be reenergized and focused the next morning. If you’re struggling with this, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success by making your bedroom a relaxing space without technological distractions.

How do you keep yourself energized as you get older? Share your tips with us in the comments.