
Run Safely, Stay Alert

May 5 • 2016

Beyond stretching and wearing the right shoes, staying safe on the road is important, especially if you’re running alone or in busy areas. Always take note of your surroundings, especially if it’s the first time you’ve run a route.

  • No matter the geography or location, runners should always run against oncoming traffic. This allows you to have a clear view of oncoming traffic—or any impending accidents or drivers who aren’t paying attention.
  • While listening to music can be a great motivator and plenty of runners do it, it’s a good idea to refrain from wearing any devices that obstruct hearing. Music is not only distracting, but it makes it more difficult to listen for cars and activity around you.
  • Wear bright, eye-catching colored clothing to make yourself more visible. Be sure to wear reflective clothing or gear if running at night or when visibility is low.

Following a few basic safety practices can help you always reach your finish line—safely.

