Latest Addition to Baptist OneCare MyChart: Day at a Glance

With Baptist OneCare MyChart, patients are getting better access to their health records, improving their quality of life, and taking control of how they communicate with their health care providers. As new features are added to our patient portal, MyChart will continue to enhance the ease and convenience of a trip to the doctor. The latest addition, Day at a Glance, was rolled out last month.
Day at a Glance provides patients and their families with the ability to have expanded access to the patient’s daily care schedule during a hospital stay. It can be used on a mobile phone, tablet, or any other device that connects to MyChart.
During a hospital stay, patients can easily view a detailed breakdown of everything scheduled for that day, including:
- When they are scheduled for a lab or test
- Upcoming lab work or diagnostic tests
- Therapy appointments
- A summary of the previous day’s treatment, medication, and activities
- A list of medications the patient is currently taking and when they should be receiving them
Not only does the Day at a Glance feature eliminate confusion for the patient, but it also provides their loved ones with detailed information about what has already been done, what is scheduled to happen, and any other relevant medical information. This allows people to make the most informed decisions about their health with clarity.
If you haven’t signed up for MyChart yet, you can do so by going to the Baptist OneCare Sign In page. Take control of your health today.