How to Identify Attention Deficit Disorders in Your Child

Attention deficit disorders can be especially difficult to identify in children. It’s natural for kids to have some difficulty paying attention, following instructions, and staying on task, but recognizing when these behaviors turn into a more serious problem is important.
Attention deficit disorder, or ADD, typically starts showing itself in young children. The symptoms of ADD include:
- Trouble focusing on one activity
- Getting bored before finishing a task
- Fidgeting and squirming frequently
- Constant talking or the need to make noise, interrupting others
- Problems listening, following instructions, and processing information
- Inability to sit still
- Severe impatience
- Trouble controlling emotions
- Aggressiveness and fearlessness, both with friends and strangers
The more signs your child exhibits and the longer they are present, the more likely it is that he has attention deficit disorder.
A child who has ADD should get professional help as soon as possible. If not treated, ADD can make it difficult for a child to focus, which can lead to struggles controlling himself, issues in school, and difficulty making friends. By finding a therapist for your child, making sure he has a healthy diet, building exercise into his daily routine, and minimizing any distractions, you may be able to reduce the symptoms he experiences.
If these lifestyle changes don’t help, you’ll want to speak with your child’s pediatrician, as well as his teachers and therapist, to develop the best plan for his success. Depending on his particular needs, one or more different treatment options may be appropriate, including behavioral therapy, social support, parental training, and special assistance at school. There are also medication options that you can discuss with your child’s doctor.
If you’re concerned about your child’s symptoms, don’t hesitate to speak with him directly about how he feels. Bring his statements to his pediatrician, along with your observations, to determine the best way to adjust.