New Heartburn Treatment Center to Open at Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi

Did you know that gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects 20-40% of the population? In fact, morethan 30% of people in the United States suffer from GERD symptoms at least two times per week. Many of the people dealing with this issue are between 25 and 60 years of age and are otherwise healthy. Additionally, over the last few decades, the incidence of reflux-related esophageal cancer has grown exponentially.
The main risk factor for developing this type of cancer is longstanding reflux.The most common symptoms of GERD are heartburn, regurgitation, and chest pain. It can also cause cough,hoarseness, worsening asthma, bloating, sleep disturbance, dental problems, and a sore throat. Symptoms are mild for many people, but can cause severe, lifestyle-limiting problems.
Because GERD is a chronic and progressive disease, it tends to worsen over time and requires lifetime therapy.Medications are the most common treatments offered and are an effective option for resolving symptoms inmost patients. It is important to note that while medications provide relief, the reflux continues to occur. Thereare also other options, including minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. This stops the reflux and eliminates theneed for medications. It also reduces the risk of getting cancer.
The Baptist Heartburn Treatment Center – North Mississippi has been developed to allow patients access to all diagnostic and treatment options for GERD. It will focus on the coordinated and comprehensive treatment of this disease. Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi has partnered with Legato Medical Systems, anindustry leader that has developed more than 40 Heartburn Treatment Centers nationwide. Legato sets the standard for comprehensive, patient-centered GERD care.
Stay tuned to the Baptist website for more information on when the Heartburn Treatment Center will be opento the public